Key points for an effective LinkedIn hook
- Be concise, a maximum of 170 characters for your hook.
- Be clear, in a few seconds your hook should summarize the topic you are going to talk about, the reader should quickly understand what you are going to discuss.
- Be catchy, use strong words to spark interest. With the different types of hooks available, find the one that suits your content best.
- Use one of the 5 commonly used hooks: a hook with data or numbers, a question, a quote, or a declaration. Each of these types of hooks has its advantages.
Why is a good hook important on LinkedIn?
- Grab attention: users scroll quickly through a lot of content, if you have a good hook, it will catch the eye and encourage the user to read your post.
- Increase engagement: it will encourage the user to like, share, or repost the post. High engagement will improve the visibility of the post thanks to LinkedIn's algorithm.
- Increased competition: a good hook will help you stand out from other content.
- Make the message clear from the start: a well-formulated hook will give an overview of your content and the value you are offering, which will encourage the user to invest in reading your post.
The different types of hooks:
- Question hooks: by asking a question in your hook, you will spark interest in the reader. Firstly, your question must be relevant to the topic, and secondly, you must answer this question in your post.
- Declarative hooks: particularly effective if you are going to provide arguments. This refers to a sentence that argues a statement about your topic. Your reader may not agree with you, but the most important thing is to provide evidence and arguments.
- Statistical hooks: one of the most effective hooks. Use reliable numbers/statistics to attract your reader to read more.
- Story hooks: you need to tell an anecdote or a story about your topic. This method is effective because all readers appreciate little catchy stories. Your story can consist of your personal experiences or those of others.
- Quotation hooks: it is important to use a quote from a well-known and respected person that relates to your topic and has the potential to attract readers.